Wednesday, February 18, 2009

2/4/09: Color and Composition.

What makes the difference between a good drawing and a not so good drawing? Look at different photographs or life subjects. What draws your eye first? This is called the focal point.

You do not need to draw everything in the photo or life subject. Eliminate distracting elements, especially if they are not necessary to the subject matter of the drawing.

Perspective. Vanishing Point for one-point perspective. The horizon line. Perspective lines. Using a ruler or grid lines to assist.

Proportionality. Size relationships or scale. You can use tools like a pencil or ruler to measure distances. The need for proportionality is up to you – do you want a natural-looking drawing or an abstract drawing?

Basic Color Theory. Primary colors are Red, Blue and Yellow. Secondary colors are Orange, Purple and Green and are a mixture of two primary colors. Complementary colors are mixed from the other two primaries. Blue/orange, red/green, and yellow/purple are complementary colors.
Landscapes. Things get lighter in value the further away they are. Things farther away are fuzzier, smaller and appear closer together than they really are. Daytime sky repeats color from the ground.

Practice drawing a landscape. Select a predominantly foreground, or background photo. Use a view finder to frame a 1/3 to 2/3 foreground or background composition. Think diagonal lines. Check perspective and proportionality. Use complementary colors next to each other for high interest.

Three Primary Colors

Excerpted from:
The most widely used basic color wheel (developed mainly by painters from the 18th century onward) starts with three primary colors: yellow, red, and blue.

These three are taken as the starting point for mixing all other colors. Together they produce a neutral color, usually a murky gray (it depends on the pigments you use).When you mix the primary colors of this basic color wheel with one another, you get the secondary colors: yellow and blue produce green, blue and red produce purple, red and yellow produce orange.
That leaves each primary color with a complementary color (mixed from the other two primaries). Blue/orange, red/green, and yellow/purple are complementary colors.Obviously, the fun really starts when you go on mixing primaries and secondaries. This gives you all the fabulous hues around the color wheel, from greenish blues to yellowish greens. (These are sometimes called ‘tertiary’ colors, but the term is not used in the same way everywhere.)
The complementary colors sit directly opposite each other on the color wheel chart. Each pair complement (= ‘complete’) each other to produce a neutral color. Mix two complementary colors, and you’ll get the old murky gray.

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