Thursday, July 19, 2012

Secrets of Life from the Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly

In the warm July sunshine, I watched the delicate aerial arcs of the Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly that danced among my flowers.  This small creature's softness and ephermality completely overwhelmed my senses for the moment.  It's bright butter colored wings with elegant black and blue trim looked so perfectly placed here among the green leaves and the purple, red, and yellow flowers of my garden. 

Her whole life in her winged form lasts no more than two months.  Her life is one based on sensuality...
adjusting to shifts in the wind, floating amid the warm up currents of summer air, sensing the sweet aroma of the Buddleia blossom,  pulled in by the rich color of the Western Wallflowers, tasting the delicate nectar of the penstemon, gently grasping the swaying poplar leaf to safely lay her eggs. 

Always in the present moment, never does it restlessly drift from one thought to another as we of a higher order may do.

She gets what she needs.
She is where she needs to be.
One with the world, she is.



  1. What a lovely lovey post. just being is enough.

  2. Oh my.... Those pictures and words were just exactly right. And thanks too for the kind comment sent in my direction. Very much....
