Sunday, November 9, 2014

After the 2014 Election, a Few Things You Can Do to Make It Better...

A lot of us liberals felt pretty bad after the 2014 election so I was thinking about what I and other liberals can do to make it better.  Working class families have been ill-served by Washington and with the Republicans in charge of the legislative and judicial branches of our government, we can expect further concentration of national power and wealth in the hands of a very tiny percent of the most well-connected citizens.  This will only exacerbate the misery of the middle class and push them into impoverishment.

As individuals, we can still do a few things at the local level to help.  Here are some of my ideas:

1. Cut the cord and disconnect from your cable/satellite company  (no more paid brainwashing)  If you still want to see programs on your television, why not try Netflix or other streaming applications instead.

2. Begin an Election Day savings account to help support deserving candidates with financial contributions.  Utilize a Christmas/Holiday account or a Vacation account at your local credit union or bank to painlessly save money for the next election.  Christmas (or Holiday accounts) and Vacation accounts usually allow for small weekly deposits at a slightly higher interest rate than normal savings account, then make the money available once a year (usually November 1 for Christmas accounts and April 30 for Vacation accounts).  More than $3.7 billion was spent on the 2014 election, the bulk of this came from less than one half percent of Americans.

3. Support small and local business.  Whenever possible, shop at your local farmer's market, eat at local small restaurants, cafes and street food trucks, check out the local retail stores first before automatically going to a "big box" retailer. November 29, 2014 is Small Business Saturday.

4. Stop supporting the Koch brothers.  Boycott their businesses.

5. Volunteer to help your community.  Check your city website for various volunteer opportunities.  Check your schools and literacy programs for tutoring opportunities.  Check your local US Forest Service and parks offices for volunteer opportunities.  Your local food banks and food kitchen always need help. And don't forget to check your local Vet Centers and VA hospital for opportunities to volunteer.

6. Become a Voter Registration Agent to register more voters.  Check your County Clerk's website (or your local political  party office) to see how to become certified.

7. Select a non-profit organization to regularly give your time and/or money to.  Habit for Humanity, Southern Poverty Law Center,  Doctors Without Borders are just a few examples of excellent non-profit organizations that need your support to make a difference in fighting disease, poverty, inequality, and hate.  And there are probably hundreds of local charities and non-profits that can use your time or money right now.

I encourage you to add your suggestions in the comments.

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