Sunday, September 8, 2019

Whoa...My Newly planted "Orinco Flow" Iris Just Bloomed in Late Summer?

In May, Ron and I drove to Rio Hondo in southern New Mexico to see the Hondo Iris Farm Festival.  It was our first time visiting the Hondo Iris Farm and we didn't go until May 31st (the last day of the Iris Festival), so most of the irises had bloomed but we did see plenty of beautiful flowers and it was a charming place for a picnic.  They have tables amid the garden but they do not serve food, so bring your own.

The garden paths


We bought 4 irises to be mailed to us in mid-July for planting: Got the Melody, Jazzed Up, Bold Look and Orinco Flow.



We received the iris rhizomes and planted them in late July.  My Orinco Flow (Border Bearded) Iris bloomed this week.  It was a beautiful white bloom with a golden beard but with only slight tinges of the blue stitching that it should have.  This is what it looked like:

This out of season blooming may affect the bloom next spring (when it is supposed to bloom) or maybe not.  Just enjoying its serendipity.

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